Monthly Archives: June 2010

He didn't slam you or bump you. He rubbed you. Rubbing is racing.

Thank you Rush, Glen, Sarah.  Thank you Fox news,Drudge and Liz Cheney. Thank you Joe Wilson,Chuck Grassley, and Michelle Bachman. Most of all, thank you John McCain.  Because of the sum total of your greed, bias,paranoia and political agenda, one of the highest ranking officers and his inner circle felt it was OK to make fun of and de- legitimize this President, Vice President and those this administration assigned the task of keeping this country safe and winning a unwinnable war.  If Gen. McChrystal felt safe enough to speak about his superiors the way he did in front of a stranger, a civilian outsider… a reporter for a liberal magazine, just how free were they in front of other officers,military personal and soldiers at the front with their disdain?

We know now that John McCain would sell the “maverick” off his back to win an election, but in the summer of 2008 that wasn’t as apparent.  Sure, we knew he wanted to win the election that year, what we didn’t know was just how far he was willing to go, not until he tapped Sarah Palin.  Sarah was a no body in the world of politics, she was a hot Governor who had a certain backwoods charm about her, but she was unschooled,unconventional and as it turned out unpredictable. She was also willing to go after her opponent in any “Dick Cheney” way she was told to.

NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 25:  Republican vice-pres...
Image by Getty Images via @daylife

As with any other Vice Presidential candidate she was tasked with the job of being the attack-dog of the campaign. The  Presidential candidate cannot be the one to blatantly attack his rival, its  unbecoming of the image he is trying to put forth. A gentlemen, a statesmen, a leader can not be seen as petty and whiny, it makes him look weak and unfitting of the title President of the United States, so the Vice Presidential candidate has traditionally been tasked with the job of being the ‘pit bull’ who attacks his foe.

Enter Sarah.

I don’t blame Sarah too much for the type of politician she’s turned out to be because she sadly never had a chance. She was a small town girl thrust into the biggest arena on the planet. One night she was an unknown and the next minute she was historic. Every eye in this country (and a vast number outside this country) was looking at this newcomer and wondering “who was she”, “what can she offer”,  and more than anything else “What the fuck?”

Over the next few days it turned out that it wasn’t just the rest of us who didn’t know a thing about her, but the campaign that tapped her was clueless also. But by that time who cared, she was hot! Her wink, her smile, her red-bloodedness. The GOP salivated at the possibilities… could she deliver ? That answer was a straight up, resounding.. You Betcha!

From pal’ing around with terrorists, to “Thanks, but no thanks!” they loved her.   There was a visceral reaction to the Democrat candidate,  his name and his color struck a deep chord in people. I’m not going to argue that, those who know it, know it. Those who ignore it, ignore it.Those who don’t see it it, never will. But it was there and Sarah tapped into that. She outright lied about her “No Thanks” to the bridge to no where and what was the reaction? “Who cares! Leave the woman alone and stop attacking her! Did you see her wink?” Very early on the campaign learned that this woman could say what she wanted and it didn’t matter. People loved her and would accept her word as gospel and then defend her against anyone or anything that tried to correct her. She very quickly became untouchable.

“We want to fight,

and I will fight,

but we will be respectful.

I admire Senator Obama

and his accomplishments

and I will respect him,”

McCain said at a Minnesota rally.

I’m not going to rehash her campaign rhetoric, we know what her  job was and how well she did it. She was the attack dog who started the process of  de- legitimizing the President and forever tainting him as a Muslim, a friend of the terrorist, a Socialist. Like any child who is given praise for doing something well that an adult rehearsed with them, she learned to take it farther and farther. It was never meant to go as far as it did, but she’s just so damn cute when she does it so why would we stop her?

Even though Sarah Palin took on big oil and the result was a redistribution of their wealth to the pockets of every Alaskan, it was  Barack Hussein Obama who was the enemy of democracy. At one point, it looked like John McCain might have actually come to his senses and realized what he was allowing was the same thing that had been done to him by George W Bush and ‘illegitimate black child’ attack he waged against McCain during his first run at office.All of a sudden, it was like he stepped up and once again became the Maverick we could be proud of when he corrected a woman in his audience who was afraid of that “Arab”. But shortly after that, he once again threw the maverick off his back, never to don that title again.

“I want everyone to be respectful

and let’s make sure we are,

because that is the way that politics

should be conducted in

America.”-John McCain

And so it went.. the socialist, the Nazi, the racist, the Muslim Arab who was not even born in this country was elected. But the process of taking him down didn’t stop there, it only intensified. For a brief moment there, after the flubbing at the swearing in process.. there was actually hope that he could be ignored as the voice of authority in this county because he didn’t say the oath of office properly. Yes! We’re saved! He didn’t swear the oath, he is not the real president, we do not have to listen to him! But, like everything else.. this was taken from Obama’s opponents when he re-took the oath the next day.

It’s interesting to look back on now, it seems on that night in November a section of the population looked around and said.. Oh God, what have we done! Since then everything that can be done, has been done to take away any power this president had.  We watched as a lowly congressman was cheered when he heckled the president at an address before Congress. We’ve watched our most popular conservative voices call him a racist, and speak of his ‘regime’ and then rewarded them for it. We’ve seen everything from his ears, his use of a teleprompter to his impressive education as reasons for contempt for him. In 2004 “Flip-Flop” was a political death sentence. Since the rise of Sarah Palin though, the practice of being one both sides of an issue(sometimes at the same time on different networks) has become a staple in this country.Extremism and Conspiracy were words used to belittle and negate liberals now they are mainstream and visionary.   Who cares if you agree that there are Death Panels and plugs to pull on grandma, who cares if you want to criminalize the census  while pounding away at Washington to follow the Constitution because the census is taking concentration camp RSVP’s, who cares if you scream YOU LIE at the leader of the country when it’s really you who are lying.  Who cares! Leave them alone, stop it with the “Gotcha media”.. we don’t care if they are lying this guy is an Arab who pals around with terrorists for God’s sake!

This long and winding road we’ve been on has a new victim. Stanley Allen McChrystal, one of the most disciplined men in uniform. The man who sleeps for just 4 hours a night, jogs 8 miles a day rain or shine and eats only one meal… This career officer, who graduated from West Point, who spent his entire adult life in the military, was the son of a career military father was  so confident in his position, and the stability of the “who cares, it’s the gotcha media who is at fault for not investigation the birth certificate of this ineligible presidency”crowd that he went on record and trashed his superior officers in a civilian liberal magazine.   Either that, or he just didn’t know what he was saying was wrong and didn’t understand the person in the room with him was writing it all down.

No, I just don’t believe he didn’t know. I believe that he’s watched  how over the last 18+ months, this President from his speech patterns to his birth place has been  reduced to a either a powerless,naive, community organizer who is dangerously incapable of leadership or he is a tyrant,destroying the very fabric of this country and should thus be revolted against. I believe the General felt he would be insulated the same way he was insulated when he covered up the fratricidal death of Pat Tillman and protected the same way he was protected when he extorted 30,000 troops from the President. He was given carte blanche by the people who didn’t care how outrageous the attack was, as long as it made into  the Foxnews channel and conservative talk shows conversation. He  was emboldened by all those before him and while he should be hanging in head in shame for the dismissal of the president and his advisers in a time of war, on the eve  of a ‘make or break’ offensive he is instead exalted as the newly crowned Prince of the Right.  McChrystal/Palin 2012 prayers are already out on the blogsophere.  You don’t have to scroll through but a very few comments on any article dealing with this issue before you see the  ignorant ramblings of the ‘we don’t care, he’s an Arab!” crowd.

  • it’s funny when some 1 supposed to be [sic]cammander  and chief knows nothing about military are anything else and has to be told what to say and do by his advisers can hold a position as he does? all he’s good at is flapping his mouth. i’m glad this general spoke his mind. so what his in the military he still has a voice and opinion. this ‘so call’ code come on.
  • Big, big mistake. Obama’s inability to accept criticism demonstrates the fragility of his leadership abilities. This move suggests that Obama and his team will not tolerate opposing viewpoints on matters that are crucial to our national security. At least the man will be a “one-termer.”
  • Obama looks like the tiny, petulant dictator that many of us have suspected he is all along. His theatrical bombast about General McChrystal just proves that Obama’s a tiny, incompetent fool.
  • McChrystal gets the last laugh, because so many of us see what he and so many of our military see–that their “commander in chief” commands absolutely nothing,

The same people who are screaming about tyranny and the dictator that is this president are saluting and celebrating the military general who belittled his civilian commanders in magazine article. The words “Forgive them Father, they know not what they do” ring through air and are ironically missed by the ones who devote their life to speaker of those words.

General McChrystal is another victim of the “Gotcha Media”. The Hannity’s out there are more upset with him for giving an interview to someone other than themselves than they are in what he said. They’ve skipped over the subtle implications of what was said and absolute destruction of the moral of the soldier fighting in this war. They can’t see how the words “clown and intimidated” when spoken by the military leader about the civilian authority can pit one soldier against the other and give fodder to our enemy to use to their advantage. They can’t see it because they just don’t care. They want this Muslim, Marxists out of power because Sarah told them how Barack Hussein,  pal’ed around with terrorists.

I’m not saying that I think Sarah Palin made Gen. McChrystal give that interview. I’m saying that people were starting to wake up around the end of 2006 and look around and get pretty unhappy with what they were seeing. Coming awake ’07-’08 during a continuous campaign season like they had been Rip Van Winkle for 10 years and finding their lives were going to shit, their jobs were non-existent, the houses they were told they could re-mortgage into a better loan were defaulting.  Banks were giving their CEO’s millions of dollars in bonus’ while their secretaries   and janitors were applying for welfare. They didn’t trust anyone anymore.  All that was needed was something to light the fuse that had been laying there waiting to be lit. Sarah Palin was it, in her they saw what they thought they wanted from their leaders and they were willing to ignore every lie she told and believe like it was gospel every exaggeration she spewed forth with because they want so badly for her to be genuine. Palin was just as much of a victim as they were. She was told that it was her job to become the pit bull, only no one told her that didn’t mean she was to be the pit-bull rabies and a thorn in it’s foot. She was a n00b to the Big Show and was just never able to learn the rules of the game, the only rule she knew was simply ‘Rubbin is racing’.  With her though, came an era where politicians are belittled and lied about, that part is not new but it has been amplified to the point were even the military feels they are no longer subservient to their civilian commanders. The scariest part of all of this is that these same people will break the rules that this country was founded on for anyone who they feel agrees with them, hears them, listens and will help them. They are babes waiting to be exploited.  The next generation will either be the last or the greatest of this country.  We will either break every rule,code and constitutional freedom we’ve fought long and hard for in the hopes of creating the unattainable Utopia  we had when we were children and someone else took of things for us, or we’ll shake out it and come together; putting the mistrust,the cynicism and the anger away and somehow become greater than we’ve ever dreamed of. Rome attained greatness and withered away, England did the same…the question we have to answer is, will we?

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I've seen it all…

and  it’s all going to be down hill from here.

I’ve seen this president mocked and belittled for his ears.. not altogether unfair or unheard of (no pun intended) to mock the physical characteristics of a person.

I’ve seen him de-legitimized for his teleprompter usage… strange, considering most every other speech giver also uses a teleprompter, unless it’s Sarah Palin, she just uses her hand because she’ so environmentally  friendly.

I’ve seen every criticism there is thrown at this man, some deserved, some over the top and some just plain stupid, hateful, bigoted and biased.  Until today, I thought I’d seen it all.

Language guru: Obama speech too ‘professorial’ for his target audience

(CNN) — President Obama’s speech on the gulf oil disaster may have gone over the heads of many in his audience, according to an analysis of the 18-minute talk released Wednesday.

Tuesday night’s speech from the Oval Office of the White House was written to a 9.8 grade level, said Paul J.J. Payack, president of Global Language Monitor. The Austin, Texas-based company analyzes and catalogues trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture.

Though the president used slightly less than four sentences per paragraph, his 19.8 words per sentence “added some difficulty for his target audience,” Payack said.

Well, there you have it folks.. the guy is aloof,uncaring, not up to par, unemotional and disconnected because he talked to the country like 10th graders.

Let’s just impeach the guy and get it over it with. Seriously people, if we’re going to take our criticism of the man to the point of  “he talked smart to people” what the hell is there left to criticize him for?

What a sad, fucked up society we are when it comes down to finding fault with our leader, not because he can, but because he did have an educated and adult conversation with us. It’s no wonder so many in this country love the Sarah Palin’s of the world…  It isn’t that we think she should talk like an idiot because we find it charming, it’s because we are idiots and want everything spoon-fed to us by mommy.  If we have to think for ourselves.. well that’s just too much work! Gimme the guy who I can drink a beer with instead of the guy who can not only spell the word ‘Brewery’, but use it in a 19.8 word sentence.

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Attack of the pit bulls with lipstick…

Look out America, here comes the Tea party.

  • Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle surpassed more than a dozen GOP candidates to become the Republican nominee
  • Tea Party favorite Nikki Haley nabbed a majority of votes in the South Carolina GOP gubernatorial primary..thanks to endorsements from the Tea Party in general, and Sarah Palin in particular.
  • Tea Party supporters also nabbed a victory in the contested runoff in Georgia, where former state representative Tom Graves defeated former state House member Lee Hawkins in a special election for the U.S.
  • Carly Fiorina [California] defeated Rep. Tom Campbell and state Assemblyman Chuck DeVore in the race to challenge incumbent Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in November. Fiorina, as with Haley in South Carolina, received an unexpected endorsement from Palin even though DeVore has been supported by Tea Party groups.
  • Drudge calls it, Republican Women Dominate... No, it’s not ‘Republican woman’, the ‘GOP’ was running their own candidates in some of those races and they lost to .. “Sarah Palin’s Tea Party Women”.

    At this point I don’t know whether to be encourage or discourage. It’s encouraging because some of these candidates are pretty outside the mainstream, so outside the mainstream that the people who chose them as the nominee are totally against they platform they are running on..Take for instance Sharron Angle will be running against Harry Reid. Angle is an anti-tax crusader and an uncompromising conservative. She favors abolishing the Departments of Education and Energy, phasing out Social Security and Medicare, and removing the United States from the United Nations. That doesn’t exactly  match up with the ‘Keep your hands off my medicare’ and “Save Social Security” people  who founded the Tea-Party in response to  the Democrats health reform. It also does nothing for the talking heads and moderate constituency crying for bi-partisanship when they nominate an ‘uncompromising conservative’. As for wanting to abolish the Department of Education and Energy . Well that’s stupid no matter who you are,  the extreme anti-tax rhetoric becoming a reality will take care of that because the Department of Education will close it’s doors anyway from lack of funding. Ok, so will State Department,Department of the Interior, EPA,FCC,FAA and pretty much everything else except for the Defense Department, but I don’t think that Tea-party crowd would mind that too much.

    But then, who will police the MTV Movie awards and censor their use of the “F-word”? Who will people complain to when the President lowers the office to that of pond scum by using the horrible   ‘ass’?  Oh my !

    It doesn’t matter, the Church will  teach our children since the Department of Education is gone and  MTV will become more of a gospel network anyway.

    I haven’t even told you that Angle wants to bring back prohibition.. in Nevada.. uh, Las Vegas? a dry city?

    And that’s where we cross over into ‘discouraging’.  It’s discouraging because some of these candidates are pretty outside the mainstream, so outside the mainstream that the people who chose them as the nominee are totally against they platform they are running on and either they don’t know this so they are still thinking that when they say… “Well, when I say I want fewer taxes I don’t mean I want my social security and medicare cut off, I mean I want other peoples welfare cut off” that will protect their government entitlements.  They are so blinded in hate and confusion that they aren’t seeing clearly.. or worse, they don’t see it and  cannot connect it because they are unable to think for themselves in a 1+1 manor.

    Naivety or stupidity.. not great choices .

    The Tea-Party wants lower taxes, even though they admit their taxes are within reason. They don’t want socialized medicine even though they want their medicare. They don’t want government subsidizing incomes even though they rely on their social security. Yeah, that’s why I’m discourage, these people don’t know what they want they just know things went a little bit crazy here a couple years ago, the stock market collapsed,the banking sector turned out to be thieves,  the top echelon turned out to be overpaid with multimillion dollar bonuses  for jobs like running 100 year old establishments into oblivion. Years of their ignorance forced the car companies to falter, the same years forced us to drill baby drill in deeper and deeper territories without caring about the consequences of cutting corners. The invention of derivatives that was born through de-regulation, created a global collapse that put some countries out of business. Things went crazy, and they had no where to turn in their blame. There ultra-partisan ideological world that was living out there couldn’t look to the Bush administration for blame, they had spent too many hours defending justified torture, illegal wire-taps looking for terrorists, accidental outings of undercover spies and their ‘covers’. They couldn’t just turn on that which they had allowed to flourish and spent countless hours forgiving and defending… This conflict ‘crashed’ their minds and they have had to shed all major programs in order to re-boot in ‘Safe Mode’. The inability to look at their creation over those 8 years and the damage it created,  has them living in a ‘critical systems only’ world right now where logic and reason have been jettisoned in order to survive.

    I’ve seen welfare recipients  whose only search for a job is to peruse Monster.Com for 5 minutes every morning, slam socialized medicine and food stamps. Not for them mind you, but for those people who  are lazy and refuse to get out there and look for a job.

    There simply is no reason or logic in that.

    When this is pointed out to them? Even better.. “well I paid into it”.. um, so? You are also out there saying no one should have to pay into it because you are also screaming for less taxes. If you get your ‘less taxes’, true you won’t have to pay into it, but you also won’t get it when you’re the one on your ass looking for someone to pick you up and dust you off.

    Naivety or stupidity?.. you chose.

    The party dujour,  looks at the ‘no fly’ list and questions how a ‘terrorist’ can be missed and allowed on a plane because hey, it says right there this guy is dangerous, but they defend his right to buy a gun because it’s our god given right! Second Amendment FTW!

    Naivety or stupidity?

    They organize a protest to decry the building of a non-christian church near the World Trade centers, not because of color or ethnicity(wink) and then surrounded,harass, threaten, and scare  ‘brown’ men. Even though those men were  on their way to the protest mosque  because they are Christians themselves.

    Naivety or stupidity?

    They want the freedom to walk about in their lives unmolested by government intrusion, but they also want the government checking the birth certificates of any ‘non-american-looking’, citizen or not, just to be sure they belong here.

    They want the EPA to stay out of their business, but want government to wait around with oil-spill booms and equipment when the private sectors causes a catastrophe .

    Most of all the government they want is one that gets it’s funding from leprechauns and not by taxing  it’s citizens.

    Naivety or stupidity?

    The extremism  they demand, when laid out before them, will cause some re-boot again after the critical system scan tells them everything checks out. Those few will join the rest of us who understand what the fundamentalist will do to this country if given the chance.

    No government in our private sector, instead the extreme religion policing of what we do behind closed doors.

    No government in our health care, instead  religion telling us what we can and can’t do with our bodies.

    No government interfering with the private sector regulations or doling  out welfare to the undeserving , instead the Church will feed us and God will end greed since it’s one of the seven deadly sins.

    No government in our schools, instead our kids will be educated by the church or in church funded public schools because that is all that is left.

    No government opening up  the monopoly conservative radio has on our airwaves and instead allowing the Church to decide what we see, hear, watch, read and download.

    The world they will create, will no longer have Freedom of speech because we don’t like what all people say or Freedom of religion because some of them practice non-Christians faith.

    Godzilla vs Gamera - Squaring Up
    Image by Kaptain Kobold via Flickr

    The Tea-party was a creation of the GOP to take on the Democrats in the mid-term. The GOP is learning a hard lesson this morning, when they allow a monster to grow unchecked and even aided by a so called ‘News’ channel, that monsters grow so big it eats it’s own. Don’t fool yourself, the GOP is more afraid of this monster  than any Democrat. They court the religious and the militia, but they do it for their money and not because they believe in them. Those in the GOP who are still asleep and feeding the monster will awake one day to a world that they never intended to create, they just wanted to beat that Muslim and those Hollywood liberals. What they will see when they do rise  from their slumber is a country ruled by extremism and turning more and more into Europe, only not the ‘liberal,socialized’ Europe they fear but worse, the Europe of the dark ages where freedoms,safety,wealth and status were given only to the church and the monarchy and the rest of us, including those who slept for so long, are only here to make those bishops and kings lives more comfortable.. at the expense of our own.

    Yes, this seems to be the year of the woman, the Sarah Palin,pit bull with lipstick woman.  The Democrats have harbored their own fear of that woman, and by voicing it over and over and over ad nauseum created their own monster. No, not a more powerful Palin, that would be the more acceptable of the choices, because what’s been created now is not a single Palin but and army of them spreading through the country and running for seats in  Government. And is you think a Muslim, Nazi, Kenyan is taking this country to extremes just wait until the neighborhood good ole christian busy body, Gladys Kravitz’s  take over and decide how we live.

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