Tag Archives: John Ashcroft

Why is it wrong or controversial for the President to add his own paragraph to an intelligence briefing?

In another discussion with Lil Mike, I’ve come to realize that I just talk to freaking much-LOL.. But seriously, it struck me that if he doesn’t understand.. then maybe others don’t see the big deal either, and that scares me. If we could for once.. just once take the political party out of the equation and base our verdict on the facts, I don’t think any of us would see things differently..  But we can’t take the (R) and the (D) out of the equation because then our entire world crumbles when we find out we’ve been duped and in the end supported a lie. Where we should be angry at the one who made us into the fool, we are angry at ourselves and not many of us like the idea that we were taken for a ride. It’s why ponzie schemes work so well.. Who wants to admit that they really believed the 40% return they were promised was real and legal..

I wrote a blog the other day

The special powers an (R) next to your name gives you…

In it, I talk about the mess we find ourselves in today, the news that the Investigators General found that the White House inserted it’s own wording into a threat assessment from the CIA and then used that paragraph to enact an unconstitutional doctrine..

To explain it more would take to much space and this reply isn’t about the paragraph as much as it’s about how that deceitful act is more detrimental to the principals this country was build on.. Life,Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness then anything we’ve seen so far.

Once again, my reply to Mike..

“That[inserting of the paragraph] opens a whole can of worms, but the actual paragraph, I don’t find a lie or contraversal. Do you? How would that change anything?”

The easiest 1st.. How does it change anything? If the White House is allowed to make up what they want, to get what they want.. how does that NOT change anything?  Please explain how you support any President doing this? Because I think you are slowly realizing that just because we had an (R) President for awhile, doesn’t mean we will always have an (R) president, we will eventually get a (D) and you can’t be ok with allowing this to continue when a (D) has the precedent..

But more than that… where do you draw the line?  The President can make up what he wants for security reasons that hamper constitutional rights… he can hold false PC hearings that tell us the ‘news’ he wants us to hear… he can use ‘plants’ to steer the topics of real PC’s to the direction he wants..   where do you draw the line? You don’t like the MSM being liberal, but you’re ok with the complete fabrication coming from your oval office?

Now the other part of your justification…that you don’t find it a lie… How do you know this paragraph is true? Because  it fits in with your opinion?

Had it been true (or a true threat) the CIA would have put it in there right? But they didn’t find anything like that so, the White House made it up.. at that time atleast, you were made to believe a falsehood that the Oval office told you.. and worse than that.. that falsehood was then used to convince you the NSA program (and so many others just because of the butterfly effect-) was needed, because that statement saying it was needed, was also inserted falsely..

In this instant, I won’t make your head swim at how much of a can of worms it is because I don’t think you would ever acknowledge it.. but in this instant, you..we were hoodwinked.

Bush/Cheney wanted the NSA program.. we’ll leave off the ulterior motives for that right now and just stick to that.. They wanted it and asked the CIA to give them a reason.. The CIA did what it was supposed to do, it investigated and put together a threat assessment.But, it wasn’t threatening enough to get Bush/Cheney what they wanted so they made up their own assessment and then used what they made up to bring to Congress and the American ppl to get that NSA program..

I really can’t believe you don’t see the implications of this. I don’t care whats going on in the world.. a President of the United States cannot make up a story, attach the CIA’s name to that story… and then steal rights from the citizens of the country because of that story.. That’s not what this country is build upon!

I won’t get into the problems this creates for the CIA… but take a minute and think about that…

Let’s look at the broad implications.. If, as you say, the paragraph was true then how can anything from the CIA ever be useful again? If they can’t get the threat right,  and it takes someone from the White House..(and we both know there might be 2 people in the White House who would know as much as the CIA on any given intelligence assessments)..but if it takes someone from the White House to see the real threats and tell people about it, then how do we believe anything from our intelligence division again? How can we trust their competence?

Ask yourself this, if it was so true, why didn’t they(the White House) put that paragraph out there themselves? Why did they attach it to  the CIA’s briefing. They had to have some intelligence from somewhere saying these things right? So why did they have to put it in a CIA memo? Why didn’t they make the intelligence division who gave them  the information, put out their own memo? Who was that intelligence division anyway and why are they to be believed over the CIA?

Or did the White House just make it up?

You can’t ignore those scenarios because they are the only two that exist.

Let’s go farther..
You will admit that the NSA program is a massive invasion of privacy.. one that, in your opinion is needed though..-yes?  Well, now you’ve just been told that the CIA did not find  reason enough for it and  the President made up a reason on his own and stole privacy from the American people.. your reason for it was made up! You may have felt there was a good reason, you may have been happy that the CIA report backed you up.. but the truth is, it didn’t!  I may love the idea that a chocolate diet helps me lose weight, but I can’t write my own little paragraph and insert it into Jenny Craig‘s website saying it..

Bring this down to an easier level. You’ve been accused of killing someone. The local PD gets involved and investigates you, sure you look guilty and you probably did do it, but while everything looks bad against you, there really isn’t much to report. At an internal briefing on the status of your case the DA says.. Ok, well I want this guy wire-tapped.. The cops say, “well..we do too, but we can’t find a reason for it” .. So the DA decides to write a paragraph that does implicate you, it’s not  based on anyting he’s been told-he just makes it up on the spot and he hands it to the cops and says.. “Now go get your wire-tap. The cops go to a judge and say “Judge, read this paragraph right here, that’s why we need this wire-tap” and the judge says “Ok”..

Is this legal? and more than that..is that what you are saying you are happy to go along with in this country..

Is this what you want your President to do and will you ignore it now that you know what he did?

Is this the level of power you wish to give to the already most power office in the world?

If you want to allow a President and Vice President to arbitrarily make up their own reasons to do things that are unconstitutional…then why are you fighting government run health care.. why are you fighting government   run anything?

You didn’t’ serve this country for the last 25 years to allow your president to make up a fantasy to get something he wanted..did you?

I know this is difficult.. because to admit this opens a can of worms that could devour a country. You wouldn’t believe a liar who lied to you, or a thief who stole from you in your personal life.. but to believe this?  Wouldn’t this alone make you question.. What else did they do this on?

and I think that is why you will ignore this as a problem, because the  answer to that.. is something you don’t want to know..

Let’s face it, larger picture is extremely  frightening.How many other times did this happen? Besides just the NSA program, what other things did the White House insert it’s own wording into and then use that wording to get their way on… Is it possible it’s all been a lie or based on a lie? and what do we do about it? To investigate further might tell us the scariest truth we’ve ever dreamed up.. but to ignore it–well, that blesses every President from now until we resemble Russia Circa Stalin, which on that path, would be in our lifetime.

This can’t be what you and thousands of others like you served their country for..your oath didn’t say to protect the President when he lies to get his way-even if you agree with that way… did it?

It always seems like there is something in an (R) and (D) psyche that is almost like they feel if they acknowledge this.. like a house of cards, the whole thing will crumble. But if that house of cards is an illusion built on a lie, why would you want it to stand in the 1st place?

Where is your anger over what was done in your name?

Where is the line? Would it be OK for the Oval Office to make up a threat assessment with the intelligence community’s name on it, that says we must nuke a rival country and then go out on every “Meet the Press” tv show that will have them and promote this insertion?

Where does your tolerance end?

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Does this mean he failed?- Chrysler and others pay back TARP loan.

I’m sitting here refreshing Drudge and Cnn while simultaneously flipping through all the headline news shows… and no hoopla!

You’d think with months of screaming, ranting,crying, and those  tea-parties, someone would have mentioned that we are now  ‘less Socialistic’ …

If I could stomach listening to Boss Limbaugh, I would see if he was sweating and dancing to the tune of Beck’s  “Loser”. Since President Obama has most certainly failed in his attempt to turn the USA into the county of the New National Socialist Party,  with his ingenious take over of the banks and car companies.. whilst driving the rest of the country into the shittier by stealing our wealth and spreading it amongst the elites…

but nope, nothing.. instead I get the news from my favorite ‘Mo

Chrysler Financial repays $1.5

bln US gov’t loans

DETROIT, July 14 (Reuters) – Chrysler Financial said on Tuesday it has paid off $1.5 billion in loans it had received from the U.S. Department of Treasury in January to fund vehicle loans and incentive programs for Chrysler consumers…

BB&T repays TARP money

Seven months after it accepted $3.1 billion from the federal government, BB&T Corp. – a longtime opponent of big government – repaid the money with interest Wednesday.

$93 million in profit was made off that investment.. Not too shabby in my opinion.

FirstMerit repaying TARP

loan this month

An Ohio bank with more than a dozen branches in the region announced plans this week to repay the federal government’s more than $125 million investment under the Capital Purchase Program.

In fact, if it had not been for the ‘mo..and the 2nd story I never would have known that American Express, Bank of New York Mellon, Capital One, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Northern Trust, State Street and U.S. Bancorp also announced that they had repaid their loans from TARP, or the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

I should be surprised that I haven’t heard anything from the biased and untrue liberal MSM.. right?

Then again, if the media really was a ‘liberal slanted monster’ this would be on every headline news crawler and program just to rub it in to the faces of the Chicken Littles who were screaming that we were being taken over by our government…ironically while ignoring that were already  ‘taken over’ by our government..

I guess they are moving on to make more accusation about the Democrats evil attempt to bring socialism to the shores of the country by giving every baby born, house cleaner working, and any one else who likes to choose things for themselves instead of having someone else choose for them, that deplorable option of…. Health Care. So like everything else we’ve seen ignored in the last week.. Chrysler’s repayment will go unnoticed because it’s easier to keep throwing the kitchen sink of accusations than it is to actually give it a minute to see if it just might work.. It’s more patriotic to wish failure for the Government attempt to stop the slide into another depression era than it is to say “OK, that was my bad.. Carry on”.

Anyway, thank you for the $93 million in profit BB&T.. it was a pleasure doing business with you.. Come again soon.

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The special powers an (R) next to your name gives you…

A woman goes missing on Christmas eve, she is 8 months pregnant and due to attend a party later that evening. Her husband is 90 miles away fishing, it’s also found out that he had been having an affair and had told his mistress that he ‘lost’ his wife. Months later, the wife’s body, along with that of her unborn fetus is found on the shores of the area where the husband was fishing that day. After an extensive search and investigation, no evidence of even a crime is found…Is the husband guilty?

A teenager on vacation goes missing after a night of extreme partying. She is last seen getting into a car with 3 men unknown to those who had been on vacation with her. An extensive search and investigation produced nothing but a tome of lies from the 3 men, one eventually admits to being with the teen on the beach but says he just left her there and went home. She is never seen again… are the 3 men guilty?

A child is found to be missing a month after the mother last saw her, the mother never considered alerting anyone to this fact even though she claimed to be sure the child had been kidnapped.  During that month the mother partied heavily like she didn’t have  a care in the world. After an extensive search and investigation, and 1000’s of lies told by the mother, the body of the child was found near the mothers home….is the mother guilty?

After years of misleading us for the reasons of ‘national security’ a President is found to have also misled  Congress and implicated the CIA as an accessory to these ‘misleadings’.

A Vice Presidents orders the CIA to shut out top ranking Congressional members on a top secret surveillance program that a new Head of the CIA is aghast to discover. He subsequently orders a full disclosure of this program to members of Congress and an end to said program.

“The constitutional authority and responsibility for congressional
oversight is gone,”-Sen. Arlen Specter

A president wants certain powers to be extended to him to use at his leisure and asks his Attorney General to approve it. The Attorney General is in the hospital, sedated from surgery he had only moments prior, but this doesn’t stop the President from sending henchmen to the bedside of the Attorney General to try and coerce him into signing off on this law. The Attorney General refuses this order from the President because the law is unconstitutional and therefore illegal, and to allow the President to use these guidelines makes him an accessory to the crime. Instead of listening to his Attorney General, the President then has one of the henchmen from the hospital room, his “In House” counsel, approve the tactic over the refusal of the Attorney General and acting Attorney General. The Attorney General later resigns to spend more time with his family and the White House counsel is re-paid for his efforts that night by being raised to the level of Attorney General.

A security briefing memo is constructed by the CIA after tireless hours of investigation and hard work. The memo isn’t as ‘threatening’ as someone in the White House wish it would be so this person adds their own threats to the security memo. That ‘addition’ is later quoted as the reason for  using illegal means to investigate citizens deemed ‘terrorist’ by the previous law enacted by the same administration..because it said “… “individuals and organizations involved in global terrorism possessed the capability and intention to undertake further terrorist attacks within the United States,” and “that the president should authorize the NSA to conduct the surveillance activities.”

Not only did the White House make up it’s own CIA threat memo, but it then quoted that fable as the reason to authorize  the illegally wiretapping of Americans.

The question isn’t ‘are they guilty?”  The question is, why aren’t we investigating this?

When are we going to stop with the word salad of  “He didn’t lie, he just intended to ‘mislead’ you?”

When are we going to say.. “That’s it! enough already! At the very least you people need to answer questions on just exactly what the hell you were doing!

How can any party that claims to love the Democracy that we live in, stand by while a member of their party goes to such extremes to bypass every part of a democracy. If they are afraid of Socialism because of some healthcare for the poor and downtrodden, then where is the outrage of the power grab that went on unchecked for years? Is one man worth your support in the face of such crimes just because of the (R) next to his name?

At one time I was against any investigation into the Bush administration, I still believe it would be the biggest political mistake of President Obama’s career, but at what point do you just have to look at the American people and say “We can no longer deny this, we can no longer cover this, we can no longer allow this to happen.” and finally order a full scale investigation, that would lead to criminal proceedings if warranted. Yesterday the mistake may have been to go after an ex-President in a way that would cripple all future Presidents out of sheer ‘vindication’ and ‘retribution’ from a malicious political system.  But today, with more and more extremists views and the outright take over by a corrupt White House, the danger of not investigating far outweigh  any others.

“Consequently, it is difficult to attribute the success of (any) particular counterterrorism case
exclusively to the (program),” –inspectors general report

How can we stand up as the beacon for democracy when we don’t even investigate those who tried to steal the democracy away from the American people under the guise of ’safety’ … a ’safety’ they are happy to tell you worked so well that we haven’t been attacked since 9/11/2001 (while omitting the part where they were to ones who were on watch when that attack took place to begin with), was bragged about being from numerous assertions that their excessive measures stopped multiple attacks. This,  has also been found to not only be misleading, but bordering on an out and out lie.

How do we go about calling this the greatest country on the planet when we allow a President to hide or even block  his illegal activities from his own Justice Department. A move which the IG reports calls “extraordinary and inappropriate”, so much so that the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General,Director of the FBI and… more than a dozen officials at the highest levels of government became concerned that if the surveillance program was allowed to continue on as it had been, the government could be engaging in an illegal activity at the direction of the president, and they quietly spoke of resigning en masse.

How do we stand up to other countries where ‘coups’ have ousted members of the Government or forces within the Government have usurped the laws of  that country for their own benefit, when we allow the same thing to happen here? How do we condemn a madman for his ‘genocide’, but when presented with evidence of another mass murder we ignore it because the murderer happens to be on our side today, when he was against us and killing our servicemen yesterday?

The mainstream media is treated like a rape victim of the 1980’s…they are blamed for what they report.  They are called biased and unfair, slanted and ‘liberal’.. they are condemned  for reporting the news. Why are they castigated for telling us what was done to us, but the person doing it is enveloped into a protective shroud all because of his political color.

“Bush officials so restricted access to information about the program that Justice Department
officials couldn’t properly monitor it — or even judge its legality, the inspectors general concluded.”

The ‘liberal’ slant to the media is always the reply to the story, like that somehow excuses the actual facts.  It’s become an ‘eye roll’ that says… “There goes the liberal press again, blaming Bush for an illegal program that Ashcroft, the FBI and members of the DOJ refused to endorse”… The fact this happened isn’t their focus,  the fact that it was reported is..

If the MSM is so liberal with it’s slant.. why isn’t  anyone talking about  the report from the Inspectors General of the CIA, Justice Department, Defense Department, National Security Agency and Office of the National Intelligence Director, on “Google Trends”?

The CIA not only admitted to misleading congress on some programs, but in one case  omitted telling them completely.. But the media and Nancy Pelosi are partisan and slanted for saying the CIA has lied to Congress?

If we cannot look at the facts and come to a logical conclusion all because it’s our own political party that erred.. then maybe it is time to end the Democracy as we know it and evolve into something else. We have  already had a President who usurps laws and governmental offices at his leisure,vilifies anyone who disagrees with him, tries to coerce those around him into doing his bidding and when unable to, conspires to go around them and get what he wants from someone else and then raises that someone to position of the person who originally denied him. Our democracy is already dead and we lived in  a Banana Republic that was run by a dictator and his army of thugs. But for me to tell you this makes me unpatriotic and the one who ignores real criminals like President Obama.

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