Tag Archives: Bella Swan

My current guilty pleasure…

It’s here

It’s here

IT’S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I’m as giddy as a school girl!

Edward! Jacob! who to chose.. who to chose! (right, like I didn’t chose a long long time ago)

Yes, yes I tried to hide my shame but once I came out,  there was no putting it back in.

Eclipse is by far my favorite book in the series. Yes, I loved Breaking Dawn, but Eclipse is just amazing! I am angry that they’ve switched out Rachelle Lefevre for Bryce Dallas Howard because Lefevre is just way more menacing looking, more ‘Victoria’, but other than that I am really looking forwand to the movie.

While “New Moon” was pretty good, it just wasn’t my favorite book or movie. I think that’s because I’m irrevocably Team Edward! So Eclipse, with more fighting, more humor, more Emmet, more Jasper and more Edward stands to be my favorite movie as well as my favorite book.

We’ll see when it opens in theaters on June 30.

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Lighter side of things

As some may have noticed.. I’ve been bitchy the last few days.  Not only are we having to deal with the dumb-asses in DC, which hopefully will get the message now that Michael Moore is saying it..

“I and a lot of other people have every intention of removing you from Congress in the next election if you stand in the way of health-care legislation that the people want,” the beefy filmmaker roared. “We will come to your districts, and we will work against you, first in the primary, and if we have to, in the general election. . . . You think we’re going to go along with you just because you’re Democrats? You should think again!”

But I haven’t had food since Friday night at 10pm…. or I should say, I’ve tried to have food but it comes right back up or right back out. I’ve been infected with a plague of some kind and cannot eat,drink or sleep.. While the first day was entertaining and the second day was laughable because I was so hungry I didn’t care that it was just going to come right back up and I ate a grilled chicken sandwich with honey mustard, only to of course pay the price moments after finishing it.(btw trust me when I tell you the price of regurgitated honey mustard is not worth it.. no pleasure is worth that torture.)  But by day 4 and now 5, I’m getting bitchy about it. So let’s make today a lite day..

and where better to start? Than a Hottie and a Naughty..

Thank you JustJared

Thank you JustJared

Daniel Craig and Hugh Jackman are a ménage à trois, wet dream, fantasy of mine.. But really Daniel, lose the mustache.. you look like a 70’s porn director.

Thank you JustJared

Thank you JustJared

Heather Locklear is another fantasy of mine.. You’ve still got it darlin’, don’t change a thing.  You will always be much hotter and classier than that skank Denise..LYMI

thank you JustJared

thank you JustJared

Be still my heart… Oh My!!!

Go Team Edward!

Rumor has it, they’ve got some news to share just in time for Christmas

Thank You JustJared

Thank You JustJared

I don’t care what anyone says… Shia is a hottie..

and finally.. what day would be complete without sweet,sweet Eddie…

Thank you JusJared

Thank you JusJared

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So…the lion fell in love with the lamb?

Forgive me Kiefer, For  I have sinned…

Lestat, I… am ashamed.

Louis,Armand and even Bill and Erik…. I apologize.

“Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots.

How do they taste?”

After months of pressure from a conniving 13 year old… I caved! In a weak moment she got me to do that which was unthinkable… She tricked me with some kind of sorcery that only the baby of the family possesses over the mother.. That’s right children, the dedicated disciple and believer of the motto… ‘Those vampires are pussies and I will not sully the memory of real vampires, of my vampires.. by watching or reading that filth’.. The lion, as it was, fell to the lamb and watched Twilight…

and it didn’t suck.

Before watching, the girls and I.. ok the oldest girl and I, were trying to explain to the youngest that we didn’t really want to see the movie because these vampires were pussies..Sorry, but it was true… they were goody-sissy boys who couldn’t compete with their predecessors. I finally told the young child…“Look, these are not my vampires.. these are not your sister’s vampires.. these are your vampires and yours alone… and you can’t make us give up our vamps and like yours because yours, break the number one rule of being a vampire!!!”

Oh how naive I was..

Everyone has that moment in their life when, for the first time they find themselves saying “Oh yeah, I’d be a vampire for him”.. and while my moment didn’t totally come until Lestat… Kiefer Sutherland in The Lost Boys had me unconditionally and irrevocably in love and glamored for life ..My oldest daughter explained to her sister that her moment was with Spike and it was rekindled when she saw Henry Fitzroy. Finally, my youngest  understood what we were saying when we said, “your girly-boy vampires will ruin the memory of our bad-boy ones”, but that didn’t stop her from forcing us to watch these… new, ‘shimmering’ ,day walkers.

BUT! credit given where credit is due. They weren’t as horribly dishonoring as I expected.  No, Edward isn’t Monsieur De Lioncourt or even his beloved Louis.. and James could have learned a few things from Kiefer, but in the end or more specifically the middle(of the movie), I had fallen for them anyway. Edward’s brooding was too seductive to overcome, his resistance to Bella and final capitulation was too sweet to deny…and his protectiveness over her was just too honorable..

No, Edward will not replace the bad boy vampire I am truly in love with.. he is no match for Lestat, David, and most recently Eric Northman but,he is good enough to be given a second peek.. even if that peek completes my fall from grace..

The Vampire Lestat
Image via Wikipedia

That’s right baseball fans, I’m heading out today to buy that which I have mocked for over a year now… the fucking “Twilight Saga” book series. Before last night this mission would have had to be done covertly, under the cover of the midday Florida sun so as not too alert those who I truly adore, to my seedy affair..but after last night I am admittedly… Team Edward and not (too) embarrassed to admit it…

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