Covering for MAJ Hasan

Almost immediately after news of the name of the shooter at Ft. Hood was made public, the left and the media girded it’s loins and prepared to do battle, to defend Major Nidal Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who killed 13 and wounded 31 more before being brought down by two civilian police officers.   Not defending the killing of course; that was beyond the abilities of even the New York Times to pull off, but defend him from his own motives.


The Nation was first out of the box with it’s defense:  Any mention of Major Hasan’s religion was Islamophobia.  Of course I’m suspicious of any word that tries to medicalize an opinion.  That’s like saying some opinions are akin to a mental illness.  That’s not even two steps away from an old Soviet psychiatric hospital.  Phobias are of course irrational fears, so I’ll let the reader determine if they think any suspicion about a radical islamist ideology is “irrational” or not.  Certainly Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary, seems to be more worried about an anti-Muslim backlash than the current anti-infidel one.


That’s different of course from plain old prejudice and bigotry.  Which of course, you can also be accused of for noting that Hasan said “allu akbar” before his rampage.  If a Christian says something like, “in the name of Jesus Christ the Redeemer, take that!” and opens up on a crowd of innocents, we don’t question that the gunman probably had some sort of religious motivation.  Allu Akbar?  Nothing to see here, move along…


Speaking of Allu Akbar, CNN tried to edit that phrase right out of it’s coverage.  As the milblog Mudville Gazette demonstrates, CNN went back and re-edited the article that interviewed PVT Joseph Foster, who heard MAJ Hasan yell “Allah[sic] Akbar!” to try to imply that Foster may or may not have heard it.  CNN, hard at work with the defense team already.


Almost immediately after news of the shooting began, the internet began to buzz with the name of …Timothy McVeigh.  Why McVeigh?  What does McVeigh have to do with this incident?  Nothing of course except… religious extremism?  Yes, apparently, in the collective mind of the left, McVeigh is some sort of Christian Terrorist; a factum that had never came out during the investigation or trial.  McVeigh, although raised Catholic, variously identified himself as either agnostic or atheistApparently having blond hair is enough to have your religion classified as Christian in the minds of the American left.  I’m sure Christian ministers from Sao Paulo to Nairobi will be surprised by this.


McVeigh makes a poor defense for Hasan though, even by the standards of the left, but hey, if you throw enough stuff on the wall, some of it should stick.  But what’s stickier than McVeigh is just being plain crazy.  Dr. Phil made exactly that point when he asked, “how far out of touch with reality do you have to be to kill your fellow Americans . . . this is not a well act.”  Alan Colmes, normally a not-too-crazy liberal, made essentially the same point on the O’Reilly Factor:


COLMES: It’s an isolated incident. It’s one guy who went crazy.

CROWLEY: It’s about closing Gitmo.

COLMES: No, it’s not.

CROWLEY: It’s about matriculating these guys into the criminal justice system.

COLMES: It’s about.

CROWLEY: Come on, Alan.

COLMES: .you’ve got an incredible overreaction to one crazy person.

CROWLEY: He was not crazy. And he’ll tell you he’s not crazy.


CROWLEY: He’s just like Zacarias Moussaoui stood up in a U.S. court and said, I’m not crazy, I’m al Qaeda. And this is typical American B.S.

O’REILLY: I don’t know why.

CROWLEY: .which is exactly what it is .

O’REILLY: Colmes, I don’t know why you’re saying he’s crazy. He seems to be lucid.

COLMES: Oh, (INAUDIBLE). So someone who commits an act like this is not crazy?

O’REILLY: Well, look, then every murderer would be crazy.

COLMES: Yes, I think you’re going to do something like this, you’ve got a crazy (INAUDIBLE).

O’REILLY: Okay, so you couldn’t convict any killer on anything. They’d always get off on insanity.

COLMES: No, I wouldn’t necessarily get you off on insanity. But the claim, if you’re going to do something like this, you got a screw loose.



So if by definition, anyone who kills is crazy, well, nobody is guilty I suppose. 


Of course, there’s crazy and then there’s crazy.  The New York Times firmly came down on a more damning indictment of the stress of  military deployment driving Hasan to his act of ter—oops sorry, I mean acting out from profound stress.  Now I don’t want to minimize the stress of a deployment, I’ve experienced it myself, but Major Hasan, unlike the troops he would have counseled, wasn’t going to be thrown in the midst of a firefight in Afghanistan.  In all likelihood he would have been safely ensconced at Bagram AFB or one of the larger posts and in would probably never have heard a shot fired in anger (unless the war goes much more badly for us).  And Major Hasan, with no wife and children, wasn’t affected by one of the most stressful parts of deployment: separation from a spouse and children.  As far as military deployments go, Hasan’s would have been much more comfortable and danger free than the vast majority of troops he would have been sent there to support.


So everyone is carefully tiptoeing around the motives.  The President, who was quick out of the gate in determining the motives of a police officer towards a Harvard professor, suddenly feels that we “cannot fully know” the motive.

But no, let’s not rush to judgment.  The left would never do that would they?  Not like with the Holocaust Museum shooter that the left immediately blamed on right wing talk radio, but who turned out to be a hater of neo-cons, Bush, and McCain, and of course, was a 9/11 truther.  If he was listening to anything it sounds like it was Air America.


And of course the hanging of the census worker in Kentucky with the word “FED” scrawled on his body.  With no suspect in sight, the left had no problem targeting again, the right wing, and Glenn Beck.  Of course now, the case looks a little different, and police are thinking that this was not a murder at all.

The Army Chief of Staff, General George Casey, made clear that whatever the motive, the Army will continue to worship the gods of political correctness, “as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”


Really?  Diversity is more important than preventing massacres?


As for me, if someone described as a devout Muslim kills 13 and wounds 31 while shouting Allu Akbar, and thinks that non-Muslims should be set on fire, had contact with a radical, jihad promoting imam in Yemen, and had been described by colleagues, as expressing anti-American views, then I think there is a problem.


An Army that is so diverse that it allows enemies and people in direct opposition to the Army mission and the United States is a little too diverse in my opinion.  Does the Army really need to be diverse enough to include Jihadi’s, guerrillas, and traitors to the United States?  Whew, that’s one big tent!

14 responses to “Covering for MAJ Hasan

  • Howey

    “the United States is a little too diverse in my opinion”

    You said it all right there…

  • lil mike

    Nice try Howey! Takng something out of context is exactly your idea of debate! For the record:

    “An Army that is so diverse that it allows enemies and people in direct opposition to the Army mission and the United States is a little too diverse in my opinion.”

    If thats your best shot, I will chalk this up as a win.

  • Howey

    Hey…You said it! Now, listen to Gen. Casey and STFU. Because if you and your racist neocon buddies (Mudfats, really?) don’t simmer down, we’ll have more incidents like this:

    In a potentially racially-based incident, a 28-year-old U.S. Marine Reservist took a tire iron and attacked a visiting Greek Orthodox priest, mistaking him for an Arab. The man was actually a priest who was lost and asking for directions, the Tampa Tribune reported last week.

    Lance Cpl. Jasen Bruce said the man had a long beard, was wearing a robe and sandles and said “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is Great.” “That’s what they say before they blow you up,” Bruce told police.

    The victim, the Rev. Alexios Marakis, of Crete, who speaks little English, had just performed a blessing of a retired Greek priest when he got lost in Tampa. He turned into an apartment complex to ask for directions and approached Bruce, who was getting his laundry out of his trunk and was not in uniform. He hit Marakis four times with the tire iron and chased him three blocks and pinned him down on the street.

    When he contacted 911, Bruce said a terrorist had just tried to rob him and grabbed him in a sexual manner, police said. Bruce pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery.

    This is exactly what me, ekg, Gen. Gates, and millions of other rational people feared.

    Nobody, repeat nobody, in any level of authority, has stated Hasan didn’t act alone and didn’t perform a terrorist act.

    Soo…in summation…when a military member almost kills a Greek priest right after the Hasan incident because he “had a long beard, was wearing a robe and sandles and said “Allahu Akbar,” Arabic for “God is Great.” …

    no win for you!

    And, really, you should have posted a link to my blog:

    Massacre at Ft. Hood

  • ekg

    If a Christian says something like, “in the name of Jesus Christ the Redeemer, take that!” and opens up on a crowd of innocents, we don’t question that the gunman probably had some sort of religious motivation. Allu Akbar? Nothing to see here, move along…

    I just love the way you changed your argument here…

    see when we did this at Howie’s place your argument wasnt that it wasn’t motivated by religion.. it was that it was motivated by politics.. remember?

    If the reports that the Major said “alu akbar” during the attack, are true, that would seem to settle the issue that the motive was political, and therefore a terrorist act.

    and that is what the left was arguing to hold off on.. we wanted you overreators to wait a second before calling this a new political, AL Q terrorist attack, b/c we understand that someone running around yelling Allah Akbar might be having the same religious moment that a christian running around saying “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit”.. and that they may not be out there working for Al Q and their own political ideologues ….you and your side of course can’t differentiate the difference and consider anyone saying ‘Allah Akbar’ to be on jihad of terrorism..

    You want our military to fight for our way of life.. and yet that way of life is allowing ppl to practice their own religion.. but now you want them to get rid of anyone who might be the kind to say “Allah Akbar’ as their prayer..


    anyway.. nice try on changing up your argument tho.. but you failed then and you failed now too..

  • Howey

    Thanks for proving him wrong (again) Kelly…


    I don’t know if you guys noticed it, but can you please vote for LOST? Thanks!

    Vote for LOST – People’s Choice Awards

  • uselesslegs

    When and IF they (investigators/FBI) can show a direct link to Al Q or another terrorist group/cell, then I will believe that his motives weren’t lone nut.

    To say, “The FBI had him on tabs, were investigating” is not anything definitive. 10’s of thousands of people are “investigated” daily by law enforcement. Some are deemed worthy of further investigation or arrest and some are found to have nothing to do with the origins of the investigation to begin with.

    His upcoming trial for murder will possibly be the venue in which any definitive links/ties are brought before the court. There may be a separate federal trial for those links/ties, if any exist and are produced.

    We’ll find out soon enough.

  • ekg

    trying him..?? haven’t you been paying attention? we’re incapable of doing that kind of thing..

  • Howey

    Only in lilMike’s feeble lilMind, Kelly, are we incapable of trying him. I love how he skirts the issues, especially with McVeigh. I guess he reads stuff and then pretends he doesn’t see it when they prove him wrongo (hah! had to do that!).

    I gave him a link to an interview with McVeigh where he states categorically he is religious…,8599,109478,00.html#ixzz0WB9qmvLb)

    …yet he ignores that and states in my blog that he isn’t a Christian, based upon “interviews with Army buddies (that)described him as an atheist”.

    Hah! That’s credible! Not!

    And I love, love, love how lilMike’s acting all innocent about the words of Crazy Neocon Ralph Peters (which I posted in my blog)in his state of denial.

    What I don’t understand is how, as a former military member, lilMike’s intrepid dispudiation of the words of the Secretary of the Army in this matter.

  • Howey

    May I add this too? lilMike and ekg: Please convey my thanks to everyone over at the Muche for all the hits my blog’s been getting lately!

    thanks guys, LYMI!

  • lil mike

    I would have responded to this earlier but I was busy arguing with ekg on this very subject here:,25933.msg413059.html#msg413059

    First of all, a distraction about a misdemeanor battery doesn’t have anything to do with this case.

    Second, who is GEN Gates and how is he involved with this?

    Third, when did I say I wanted to get rid of anyone who said “Allah Akbar?” Just those who are likely to say it (or anything) while gunning down American troops.

    Fourth, whether he has actual links to Al Qaeda is irrelevant. I suspect he doesn’t, but that doesn’t make him less of a terrorist if he doesn’t have the AQ discount card.

    Fifth, Raph Peters or Timothy McVeigh don’t seem to be implicated in this act. Sorry!

    Oh Howey I would have posted a link to your site if I had referred to it in my blog. You use me in a lot of your blogs, so I definitely should get the link.

  • Howey

    Dear lilRalph,

    Thanks for admitting that your hero Peters is a nutcase and McVeigh was a devout Catholic!

    One more question: When are you going to slap the terrorist label on these guys?:

    Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8

    Oh! I forgot! There’s a permanent link to this blog over on the right side of mine. I’m sure The VSJ gets lots of hits (last I checked I’m averaging a little over 900 hits a day) when ekg posts, so you’re welcome and quit the fucking whining!

    And fuck off!

  • ekg

    There’s a permanent link to this blog over on the right side of mine.

    I’ll give you this..

    “Welcome to my world” is a great referrer 🙂

  • Howey

    Thanks, Kelly! I’ve been unable to understand his consistent whining about that…especially since the link to The VSJ has been there since Day One.

  • ekg

    I think he’s talking about when you use his or my name.. or even the site and putting a hyper-link to us instead of making a reader search your site for the link..

    of course you already do that me.. 😉 so he’s right that it’s only fair for you to do it to him..

    but, he’d also have to reciprocate.. so… *shrug*

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