Tag Archives: House

Are they trying to get someone killed….

I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. It’s not that I would call the person telling me about it a liar, but I would assume they were mistaken. Lil Mike and I have had many disagreements but up until the last few months he’s always been a relatively rational person. So even when I was told about this remark he made on the MucheDumbre forum, I still didn’t believe it because even he isn’t that… backwards.

I was… wrong.

I know that Mike doesn’t speak for all Republicans, but he does tow whatever current talking point the rest of them are towing religiously. Even still, the other day when I 1st saw this theory in the comments section on a leftie blog reporting the news, I didn’t give it much thought because what intelligent,logical, and rational person would actually come out and say that since it wasn’t on TV, they just wouldn’t believe it? I mean the news told me it was windy outside, but they didn’t show me video.. so I’m going to call shenanigans! Jesus didn’t walk the earth because there is no video to prove it! Dinosaurs never existed because no one caught one on film.   You see why this is such a retarded concept?

Now, I am not just addressing Mike in this post even though I am using a lot of singular pronouns, I’m not just talking to him.. (yes, Mike forces me to make this disclaimer now when addressing him)

Lil MIke
I’ve waited a couple of days to comment on this because I wanted to see what evidence turned up on, but so far, nothing.

So in the matter of Rep. Cleaver being spit on, I call shennanigans.

In the matter of Rep. Lewis being called the “N” word, I again call shennanigans.

I’ve scoured YouTube and I’ve seen various news coverage of the walk between buildings in question, and I didn’t hear anyone use that language. The walk was so heavily filmed by so many sources that it strains incredulity that not a single flip or phone camera didn’t catch it, let alone the network news cameras that filmed it. Rep. Jackson actually filmed it with his flip camera, so where is his footage? And no witnesses. Maybe Jackson has it on his flip and is just waiting for the right time to release it, but until then, it sounds like a political trick.

In the matter of Rep. Frank being called a faggot, there seems to be enough witnesses to confirm it, so even though there is no footage of it, I buy the story.

Interestingly though, several people near the person who called him that called him out on it. So that’s positive.

Since you didn’t see it on the ‘telegraph with moving picture-box’.. it can’t be true?

In my best Bill Maher.. “Really?

Of course it’s shenanigans that someone would call black man “nigger” in this country. No one would ever do such a thing, of course they’d call a homosexual a “faggot”, but those kind of people draw the line when it comes to using the ‘n’ word..

Is this how far you’ll stoop to ignore reality? You now have to see it on the picture box..?

Your reality must be interesting if you need the television to prove things to you. As for the spitting that you ‘ scoured YouTube’ for…  it took about 15 seconds to find..

The incident shenanigan is at about 1:20.. you can see his head jerk back, you can see him swat his hand and after he walks away you can see him wiping his face some more. Now I know, John Madden isn’t there to show you a frame by frame but…

wait, what am I thinking, you don’t watch videos that are posted do you?

I know, you don’t believe it unless it’s on TV, but you and your people have lost their fucking minds

Really? Browning can stop it? Well we know who Palin is talking to with her tweet don’t we?

and her map of targets.. ya know the one with the cross-hairs

Means nothing.

Hopefully someone gets the assassination on video so you can watch the TV and see it for yourself since that’s what you base your beliefs on now.

Hey, don’t worry  the GOP is right there egging it all on with “don’t tread on me’ banners draped off the balcony of the House.. They’re right there in the loop of all of this, I’m sure you oozing pride aren’t you? One can only assume that you and they have you fingers crossed that Palin’s target finds it mark.

Of course you hope it’s not caught on camera so you can deny it too..

Feet from the Capitol, protesters roar when GOP members fly a "Don't Tread on Me" flag from the House balcony"

I know that this next incident wasn’t on television, so it must be made up too.

One vulnerable Democrat in the post-health care reform era is Representative Tom Perriello (D-Va.), whose support for reform has brought him continual criticism. This week, one self-styled “Tea Party organizer” posted what he thought was Perriello’s home address, encouraging people to harass the lawmaker at home. The address ended up being the home of Perriello’s brother’s family, but the activist, Mike Troxel, took it in stride, saying, “I was a journalism major in college, so I have every reason to believe my research is accurate.” Laugh if you want, but this is precisely how the “journalism” works, circa 2010. This isn’t the first time Perriello critics have struggled with geography: back in December, Tea Partiers got all bent out of shape when they discovered that Perriello’s Charlotteville office wasn’t conveniently located in a way that facilitated their whining.

UPDATE: The call to harass Perriello and the dissemination of the incorrect address has combined to lead to something scary: a propane gas line at Perriello’s brother’s house was cut. The FBI is reportedly investigating this.

Since there wasn’t an explosion, it must be fake..

and the Stupak threats?

“Congressman Stupak, you baby-killing mother fucker… I hope you bleed out your ass, got cancer and die, you mother fucker,”


“There are millions of people across the country who wish you ill,and all of those thoughts that are projected on you will materialize into something that’s not very good for you.

was only caught on audio tape..

Stupak audio recordings of threats

But sadly, since it wasn’t a video tape on youtube  it was probably just Stupak calling himself. By the way, what is the GOP’s fascination with male asses?


Hell, this doesn’t mean anything either

and since a militia leader called for broken windows..

And on Monday, a former Alabama militia leader took credit for instigating the actions.

Mike Vanderboegh of Pinson, Ala., former leader of the Alabama Constitutional Militia, put out a call on Friday for modern “Sons of Liberty” to break the windows of Democratic Party offices nationwide in opposition to health care reform. Since then, vandals have struck several offices, including the Sedgwick County Democratic Party headquarters in Wichita.

and got them, that tweet above should just be ignored because really, who would listen to such a thing? Sir-Han Sir-Han only listened to voices in his head, and Hinkley only did it to make Jodi Foster see him..

I mean really..

who would listen to such a thing?

I guess when the tea baggers meet in Washington on such an innocuous day as April 19 for their BRING YOUR GUNS rally it doesn’t mean anything,because that date doesn’t mean anything and they’re just bringing their loaded guns. It’s not like the anger we see in the spitting video will still be boiling. It’s not like any of the examples in this blog would ever egg someone on..

Of course you’ll just ignore it no matter what.. But let’s just hope the secret service doesn’t

19 April 2010:

Bring Your Sidearms and Longarms
To The Banks of the Potomac Pistol loaded,
openly carried. Rifle unloaded, slung to rear.
Bandoleer of magazines containing ammo. 

We know the GOP would have allowed an armed protest of the war right? Especially an armed protest after all the death threats and assignations promises that you’ve decided are shenanigans and will just ignore..

I don’t really know who you are anymore, then again, maybe I never did. You keep saying you’ve never changed and are the same person you have always been, maybe I just never saw how reactionary and dangerously flippant you are until now.

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Does the GOP think BI-partisanship means BI-sexual?

So.. I guess the Obama health plan is bipartisan and does include GOP ideas..

“It’s clear that the American people want health insurance reform.  They aren’t interested in Democratic ideas or Republican ideas.  They’re interested in the best ideas to reduce costs, guarantee choices and ensure the highest quality care.

They’re interested in ideas that will put them back in control of their own health care.

Throughout the debate on health insurance reform, Republican concepts and proposals have been included in legislation.  In fact, hundreds of Republican amendments were adopted during the committee mark-up process.  As a result, both the Senate and the House passed key Republican proposals that are incorporated into the President’s Proposal.”

A lot of GOP ideas… and that’s just Obama’s plan.. hell the Senate plan had 160 GOP amendments..

“Of the 788 amendments filed,67 came from Democrats and 721 from Republicans. (That disparity drew jeers that Republicans were trying to slow things down. Another explanation may be that they offered so many so they could later claim—as they are now, in fact, claiming—that most of their suggestions went unheeded.) Only 197 amendments were passed in the end—36 from Democrats and 161 from Republicans. And of those 161 GOP amendments, Senate Republicans classify 29 as substantive and 132 as technical.”

of course they still voted no..

Why is the only way to bipartisan cooperation is if the Democrats fully embrace the GOP plan?  Shouldn’t the losing party be happy to get a seat at the table.. a seat that gives them almost half of everything they want? Is a bill with 49% (R) input and 51%(D) input not bipartisan enough when the country elected the (D) to decide the majority?

I simply don’t get how the GOP can get away with lying that there’s been no effort to include them. But,even more than that, I can’t understand this demand that  they should have their way in total  if the country is to see any bipartisanship come out of congress.  Is it the prefix ‘Bi’ that throws them? Do they think if they do anything ‘Bi” then they are supporting the homo’s? (disclosure, I love the ‘mo’s.. and this one will back me up on that).


Can you come up with a better reason why the GOP is so anti ‘BI-partisanship” even going so far as to deny it exists when  the bipartisan components are so flamboyantly displayed?


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